About Me

Welcome to my journey!

I’m C, and I’m planning to have a baby as a “solo mom by choice” through intrauterine insemination (IUI).

I always wanted kids. Even as a child myself, I was playing Mom.

I can remember requesting to help aunts and neighbours with their babies, sometimes instead of playing with kids my own age. I bet I was barely out of diapers myself when I first learned how to change one!

Okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but you get the idea.

A couple of years ago, when sharing my thoughts around the possibility of someday pursuing IUI, a friend told me that it would be “a tragedy” if I never became a mother. Now, I don’t now about that, but I do know that I always wanted to be one – and just assumed that day would come.

It didn’t. At least not the way we all expect it will.

I’m almost 36 years old, and I’m still single, afters years of wading in the dating pool – which was sometimes a swamp.

So, the biological time has come for me to make a decision – a decision that means, for me, it won’t be first comes love, then comes marriage.

I’m writing a new rhyme, and first comes baby in the baby carriage.

Publicly sharing this very private journey by blogging is not a decision I came to lightly.
In the end, I decided it will not only serve me well to write as I process these events myself, but perhaps one day other women going through a similar experience may find comfort & understanding in it.