At your cervix

I’m 34 weeks today, and I saw my OB yesterday.

Turns out I have what is called a short cervix, also rudely known as an “incompetent cervix”.

According to the flo app, the cervix shortens and becomes softer over the course of a pregnancy, in order to make delivery possible. Some women have a shorter cervix, and it may become too short too soon, which increases the risk of preterm labor and premature birth.

As the baby grows and becomes heavier, the pressure on the cervix increases. If the cervix is short, it may open before the baby is ready to be born.

Like maybe tomorrow.

In the same breath that my OB told me “don’t panic”, he also told me “I’d like to get a few more weeks out of you!”

Ummm… me too, Doc. Me too.

Apparently it could go either way; I could go to full term just hunky dory, or my incompetent cervix could mean my poor baby has to share birthday limelight with Baby J himself!

Hang on at least another 3 weeks, baby girl, and make it to January! Mama doesn’t want a December baby.

So I’m supposed to “take it easy” – no walking around the malls, Doctor’s orders.

Good thing I’m done all my Christmas shopping.

As for baby, if she were to make her appearance sooner than later, she’d likely have no major problems.

Weighing in around 4.7 lbs, she’s the size of Tickle Me Elmo, and 99% of babies born at 35 weeks can survive just fine outside the womb. Although her central nervous system is still maturing, her lungs are nearly fully developed.

I’m just not ready yet! I’m still finishing up the nursery, and as much as I’m starting to be done with this whole building a human business, my mind is prepared to welcome a major life change in January.

So get smart, cervix, and just keep the doors closed a few more weeks. We’re not ready to open for business quite yet.

7 thoughts on “At your cervix”

  1. ‘At your crevix’, I like it….you missed your calling as a writer….perchance while off work and raising little Horatio, you might wanna indulge in writing a play, some TV episode, something akin….

    As a rule, I usually take what drs say and divide it by 2….but in this case, erring on the side of caution probably wise, and staying off your feet is advice that I like hearing….along with take time off work….

    If you hafta miss the Caperchione family Xmas, then that’s what you do….we can text you pictures of the turkey and maybe fedex a drumstick….

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I know first aid, if that helps….

        have been second guessed, sometimes write of myself in 3rd person singular, do not think that ‘may the fourth by with you’ is witty in the least, have been a fifth wheel, don’t have any sense, certainly not a sixth one, been in seventh heaven a few times, will argue to the negative that the Great Wall of China is eighth wonder of the world, consider the ninth five-year plan to be the worst of all the five-yr plans in the history of the USSR….and finally, think it’s time the tenth commandment was retired….

        Plus, #1 rule, cardinal #s are better than ordinal….


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