I’m still here!

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

It’s legit been like three months since I posted. I know this because Hope – my daughter – is almost three months old.

Every few days since she was born, the nagging thought that I have to post about her birth would cross my mind. When she was two weeks old, I started to write that post. When she was a month old, I wrote some more and got it more than halfway done.

And then it sat. And sat. And sat.

As I nursed, and slept. Nursed and slept. Nursed and slept.

And ate.

(Shout-out to my folks for making me food, and sometimes even feeding it to me, in those first few weeks postpartum.)

I promise I’m going to finish that post, and share the story of her birth.

It’s coming. I’m working on it. I’ve been working on it for weeks.

I just often happen to be working on it in my mind, frequently at 3 a.m., while I groggily munch on a Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch Clif bar, with a milky boob hanging out the side of my nightshirt, satiating wee baby Hope.

So please stay tuned.

And thank you for your patience!

5 thoughts on “I’m still here!”

  1. Coincidence your blogs crossed my mind yesterday? You will work on your blog whenever the time is right for you and darling Hope. Will stay tuned and send much hope, light and love xo

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